I can't believe my eyes!!! My wish came true this morning as I walked through our lake park again. Forest trees, real forest trees all name-tagged thanks to Perniagaan Tunas Harapan, the "reforestation nursery" located in Tg Malim.
I've checked the names of trees against the Bird Report, and am so pleased that not only are these new trees listed in the report, some the existing trees in and around Ara Damansara are also listed as 'plants that bear fruits which are attractive to birds'; 'plants that bear flowers that are attractive to birds'; oh the list goes on.
"Blackcurrant ~ Plant which bears fruit attractive to birds"
Not only are these trees to be planted in the lake park,
they are also going to be planted along the lake's edge next to the houses. A necessary buffer to keep the fauna of the park peaceful.
I just can't wait to see the variety of birds that will be coming to visit and call Ara Damansara their home. We already have a certain species of hornbill roosting in this area. What a thrill it is going to be to see a flock of them fly by? As it is the pair is already a sensation with residents here. Oh and just a little reminder ~ please don't forget the perch poles in the lake for the fishing birds to stand on and aim for their prey.
Once again, thank you Sime Darby for doing right by your resident investors. I further wish is that you could also buy up the remaining land offered for sale around Ara Damansara and sustainably develop it too. If only more developers would emulate the example set by Sime Darby, wow the Klang Valley would be known throughout the world as THE PLACE to call home. What a pull factor for Malaysia My 2nd Home!