Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My wish list for AraD's bird reservoir & sanctuary

Wonderful news! I've received word that Sime Darby Property will "coordinate with the landscape consultant to include the relevant design issue as highlighted in your attachment write-ups" (i.e. Bring Back The Birds report). Don't you just love a day that's filled with great news like that!

Anyway, since I walk the park in question daily, I constantly picture in my mind what it will look like when it's done. How it will serve both birdlife and our life in a comfortable co-existence.

I see in my mind's eye
1) the lakeside bank sloping down from Calarosa planted with tall reeds that will shelter the water/ground birds. There is no pedestrian traffic on the slopes so the nesting birds will be safe from disturbance. A hedge row could be planted along the top of the slope so the nesting birds will be safe from disturbance. A hedge-row could be planted along the top of the slope to hinder dogs from menacing the birds. I know my cocker-spaniel would have a field day chasing birds, given half the chance.

2) The upstream, innermost lake bordered by Calarosa, Ara Hill and AraVista ph.2 must have perch-poles for kingfishers and other fish-hunting birds. They are such a delight to behold as they are so beautifully coloured and the perch-pole is the perfect pedestal to view them in a most natural stance. And when they dive for their prey... a sight that's a gift from God. The lake could be populated with hardy fish like the local "lampan" (http://fish-lampan.blogspot.com/) which are cheap, breed easily and a delight to both fisherman and kingfishers; and not forgetting the ever popular tilapia.

3) The upstream lake should also have a couple of bird-watching hides on its banks to enable birding enthusiasts to appreciate their hobby, as well as cultivate others to appreciate this hobby. I imagine a hide to be no more than 10 sq meters, with a raised hard floor. Not having any bench in the hide will allow enthusiasts to set up their equipment like camera tripod etc comfortably according to their needs. Not having furniture in the hide makes it less appealing for love-birds to turn it into a lover's haunt at night too. The hide should only have it's 2 sides (left and right) and roof covered with the same material. I suggest that the L-R walls and roof be chain-link supported by poles. The chain-link will allow equipment and supplies to he hooked on for easy access. For camouflage, creepers / climbers can be grown to cover and cool the hide, blending in with the natural surrounding.

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